・ Technical Standard Committee
 The mission of this committee is to contribute to the development and dissemination
of prestressed concrete technology. The committee also maintains the standards of
design and construction of prestressed concrete structures and attempts the improvement
of durability, workability and the cost performance of prestressed concrete structures.

・Subcommittee on Guidelines for Member Design by 3D Analysis of
 Prestressed Concrete Structures
・Subcommittee to Study the Contribution of Structures Using
 Prestressed Concrete Technology to a Low Carbon Society
・Subcommittee on Technical Standard for Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge
 (finished in March, 2024)
・Committee on Revinsing Standard for Design and Construction of
 Concrete Structure (finished in October, 2019)
・Committee on Revinsing Standard for Design and Construction of
 Cable-Stayed Bridge and Extradosed Bridge(finished in March, 2022)
・Committee on Manuals for Maintenance of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
 (finished in September, 2018)
・Subcommittee on International Contribution of Japanese Standards and
 Guidelines (finished in March, 2019)
・Committee on Manual for Maintenance of Prestressed Concrete Structure
 (finished in September, 2018)
・Subcommittee on Administration of testing methodology established by JPCI
 (finished in April, 2016)
・Committee on Guidelines for Durability Improvement and Maintenance of
 Prestressed Concrete Structure (finished in April, 2015)
・Committee on Standardization for Design and Construction of Concrete Structure
 (finished in September, 2011)
・Committee on Design and Construction of Cable-Stayed Bridge and Extradosed Bridge
 (finished in April, 2009)
・Committee on Design and Construction of Composite Bridge
 (finished in November, 2005)
・Committee on Design and Construction of Water Storage Cylindrical Prestressed
 Concrete Tank (finished in November, 2005)
・Committee on Design and Construction of External Cable Bridge and Precast
 Segmental Bridge (finished in June, 2005)